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Monday, September 23, 2013

Just do it?

If it were that easy, everyone would be fit and trim, no problem. Unfortunately, we spend a lot of time berating ourselves for not getting with "the program" and using that willpower to control our health choices. Most of us don't change our ways by telling ourselves we are lazy and no good, but we continue to do it anyway. Just like parenting children, many would never tell their children these insults, but we tell ourselves exactly that in secret. In the words of Dr. Phil, "How has that been working for ya?" Let's try something different. In order to stop the negativity we have to be aware of the thoughts. Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it gently, each time you have the thought that you are stupid, unlovable, incapable etc. This will draw attention to that thought so you can actively substitute a more positive and productive one. It's possible you won't believe that new thought for quite awhile. That's OK. If you fake it enough, you will believe it! Maybe you really can make those small, subtle changes that will lead to big things. Christina Spears-Bartunek, LMHC, CHC

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