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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All sugars are not created equal

Watching the 60 minute story last season "Is Sugar Toxic?" really shook me up. In it, Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports new and mounting evidence that refined sugar is just as addictive and dopamine-inducing as cocaine. Watching Gupta sip a sugar-filled soda just before his brain's pleasure centers lit up under an MRI was quite shocking. This visual certainly broke through some of my own denial and old ways of thinking about things sweet. I was taught that a gram of sugar equals a gram of sugar. What this story and other research suggests is that all sugars are not created equal. And most importantly, the natural sugar in whole fruit doesn't have the same toxic effects on the brain as refined sugar. So, what does this mean for those of us that have an occasional or ravaging sweet tooth? If you can have a little bit of dessert and feel satisfied you probably don't have to worry. But, if you have addiction in your family history and you find yourself craving sweets the more you eat them - this could be a moment to take dietary pause. (ie. you eat a brownie and all the sudden you have to eat the entire batch.) With all addictions, the body needs more of the addictive substance to have the same pleasure response, and when dopamine levels rise and then fall the craving cycle escalates. If you fall into this category, or you simply want to reduce your refined sugar intake, it is possible without depriving yourself. For dessert, try frozen grapes, medjool dates or a frozen fruit smoothie. Choose fruit-filled crisps or tarts for special occasion desserts. For a sweet snack try a banana or apple dipped in peanut/almond butter or have trail mix with dried fruit (and a few dark chocolate chips might be a worthwhile indulgence). One of my favorite on-the-go snacks is a Larabar - surprisingly sweet with absolutely no refined sugar. Note of caution - with less refined sugar in your diet you may experience a bit of a withdrawal and not feel quite yourself. This could be a good sign since your body is likely in detox mode. Sometimes you feel worse before you feel better. And feeling better while likely dropping a few pounds could be the sweetest reward. Kathryn Reed, MS, Certified Nutritionist

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