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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do I deserve support?

Losing weight is a challenge, and even more so when you don't feel like you have support from your friends and family. Clients are always telling me that their loved ones are sabotaging their attempts to become healthier by bringing home junk food or complaining they are gone too much exercising. Giving up often ensues in response to these problems. What would happen if you calmly expressed your desire and what you needed from your friends/family to help you succeed?

Can you stand up and ask for what you need? There may be a confused look from your loved ones (especially if you have never asked anything from them before), but maybe they will surprise you by listening to what you need. Maybe the junk food can be put in a different room than the kitchen, or locked in the car. Maybe your partner can pitch in with childcare while you workout at home, or walk with you outside. Are your needs worth asking about in your relationships? Is your health important enough?

If you have been pouring support into your friends and family for years it will be hard to ask for some in return if you don't believe in your cause, or if you believe you don't deserve what you are asking for. If you are committed to yourself then stand up and tell the folks in your circle, and if you are not....pretend that you are. Over time you may believe it!

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